鳳凰の魅力 The Glamour of Phoenix (=Houou)

Premium Analog Discret Circuit

A) UREIやBOZAKなどのロータリーボリュームスタイルに多いアナログディスクリート回路、
B) 一般的で最も多いタイプの集積回路チップ(IC)を利用したアナログ回路、
C) 音声信号をデジタル信号に変換してソフトウェアでコントロールするデジタルミキサー

 DJ mixers can be roughly classified into three types based on the main circuit design.
A) Analog discrete circuit which is mostly used in rotary volume mixers style such as UREI, BOZAK and so on.
B) Analog circuit installed with integrated circuit chips, which is the most common.
C) Digital mixers converting sound signals into digital codes which are controllable by software.

 B)は、ICを使いA)をコンパクトにしたもので、製造コストも安く、ある程度設計が完成されているICを利用するので回路設計はA)より楽。 部品点数も減るので生産性もアップ。しかも、品質も安定。ちなみに、オーダーメイドされてクラブに納入される業務用ミキサーだけの時代から、DJミキサーが個人でも入手できる時代が始まった80年中ごろでは、急速にDJミキサーの製造数が増え、B)のタイプがほとんどでした。個人でも入手できる価格で、しかも、ある程度性能も良くてコンパクトだからです。

 Type B has installed IC’s and is a cut-back version of type A. The production cost is reasonable and is easier to design than type A because of its use of IC’s. This reduces the number of components and therefore improves the productivity, plus, it makes the quality more stable. Aside from that, since the age of tailor-made mixers which were delivered to the clubs for business use, and the mid-80s when individuals were able to buy mixers, the amount of DJ mixers has rapidly increased and most of them are type B. This is due to the price, high performance and compactness of design.


 In those mixers, the brand which adopted the use of well-tuned circuitry using high quality IC’s, offered various specifications, followed user requests and led the world, was Vestax. Although this seems ordinary today, even in those days individuals could buy professional DJ equipment thanks to the contribution of Vestax. This is because of not only the balance of price and capabilities, but also the excitement.


Type C appeared due to the necessity to pursue diversified DJ styles. These mixers paved the way for digital-specific functions and capabilities. However, these require a large amount of initial costs and therefore the companies who could adopt were limited. The functions and capabilities of digital mixer are excellent S/N ratio, low sound leakage between lines, EQ which can be changeable to isolator with one-switch, can used as MIDI controller, has easy to install effectors linked with sources (through BPM analysis), and that can be updated through software at a later date.

しかし、今の時代に合った回路スタイルではありますが、アナログで入力したものを、AD変換し、出力時にはDA変換するという、どんなに高性能な処理スピードのチップを使っても、変換のソフトがどんなに優秀でも、わずかでもデジタル的な音になってしまうことは否定できません。 音楽ファンの聴覚は凄まじく優秀だからです。

Type C fits with the times. However, it is undeniable that the sound which is converted DA from analog through AD creates a digital sound even through specialized use of high-performance processing speed or excellent software. These sounds are noticeable by auditory experience of serious music fans.
In other words, the compromise of the sound quality in order to match the recent diversified DJ styles, while making them easier to produce, results in type C. With manufacturers, the recent most favoured trend is type C, which in turn affects the value of demand specifications in DJ mixers.

 一方で、今でも音を追求するA)のアナログディスクリート回路ファンが世界中に居ます。プレイの便利さや、楽曲をリアルエディットしまくるフロア沸かせのプレイスタイルよりも、音魂を正面からシンプルに伝えようとするDJたちです。 その人気の根強さは、「音」こそ最優先するところにあります。
 B),C)タイプよりも、音質の追求としては、根本的回路を1から設計する点においてA)が一番可能性があることはお分かりと思います。 A)タイプなら何でも良いわけでなく、B)よりも、C)よりも上質な音で増幅、ミックスできる巧みな回路設計のノウハウを要します。

 In contrast, there are still analog discrete circuit fans who pursue the best sound quality. Rather than the convenience of play, or editing music to shake the floor, they try to simply deliver the soul of the sound to the audience. That deep-rooted population is built by prioritizing the sound most. More so than either type B or C, the possibility to pursue the real sound lies with type A because there is a need to construct circuits from scratch. However, it doesn’t mean every type A is okay,
 The circuit design must be better than both types B and C in terms of amplification, mixed with high quality sound.
But type A has some disadvantages such as noise being generated easily, sound leakage, multi functions are impossible due to the amount of circuits, minimizing the variation of many circuits is necessary, power supply, thermogenesis, etc. To solve these issues, knowledge, experience, passion, patience, and team-work are essential.

 The mixer which pursues the pinnacle of type A and has exceeded traditional type A is Phoenix(=Houou).

 B)の場合、ひとつの増幅段に対し、IC一個と、抵抗器・コンデンサ数個で済む回路ですが、これを、A)ディスクリートで組むと、トランジスタ6個を含む24〜30点の部品が必要となります。面積で言うと、20×20mm程度から、30×30mmを2個分程度の面積となり、4倍以上となります。 部品の実装密度を上げながら、電源供給、アース、信号経路を基板の厚み内で立体的に配置できる4層基板を採用することで実現できたのです。

 Phoenix(=Houou) has a lot of inputs/outputs and functions. It would be difficult to install that many functions into this size in type B, but team Phoenix made it happen in type A. In the case of type B, one IC, several resistors and capacitors would be enough for one of the amplification stages. However, about 24 to 30 parts, including six capacitors, are necessary for type A and the area will be 4 times larger, e.g. two areas of 20*20mm to 30*30mm. With the density of parts increased, the power supply, ground earth and signal circuits are well-built by four layer bases which can be dimensionally located in the thickness of the board
.In addition, this simplifies circuit design by avoiding meaningless guidance. Short distance power supply, ground system isolation, sound quality improvement and noise reduction are also implemented.
There is not enough space with four layers or even one big board, the necessary total area is barely suitable using boards stacked in 2 or 3 layers, using careful parts allocation and setting mechanisms which are adjustable to create the extra space required.

 The conventional type A design, a table top style with multi functions and inputs/outputs, requires a long-term development schedule and the huge cost due to the large numbers of considerations and confirmations.
These things can become obstacles for manufacturers all around the world and to work on this matter itself is sometimes considered taboo.


Phoenix(=Houou) is the made not only with knowhow of circuit design, but also the knowledge of layout technology and multi board adaptation, and by taking the decision to get beyond the obstacles to pursue the highest quality sound possible and implement premium discrete circuit which was the ultimate vision.

Everything we do is for the sound.


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 会社概要 / 製造元 STPVESTAX LLPサイト
